Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is my betta fish sick?.?

So I bought a new betta fish a couple of weeks ago and I feel as if I rescued him form Wal-Mart h*ll. His water wasn't clean. He is brown with coral/pink colored fins. I bought some pebbles to put into his bowl. Well he buries himself down in the rocks and just stays there and then he will swim around the bowl for like a second. He also comes up for air every once in a while. Also he does not eat as much as my other betta fish does.

British Muslims - Your view of what is going on in the UK with the BNP?

The BNP is not only bad for Muslims,but in regards to this question if one is a believer in Islam then they only have God to fear. Alhamdillah

Did you think the asteroid was going to destroy all life, as we know it?

There was someone on YA that linked a YouTube video showing how it was going to destroy us. It had me going a little bit. Was anyone else a little frightened?

What do you think of the beginning of my first chapter?

It's pretty interesting... but I don't see how the first line has anything to do with the rest of it. Of course, this is only the beginning of the chapter so you might be fitting it in. It definitely has caught my attention, and I'm wanting to know what happened to the girl in the hospital bed! And the overall writing is okay, just needs a little revision and everything. Hope I helped!!

Which motherboard is better?

I've built all my home PC's for the past 15 years or so and with very few exceptions of the earliest PC's I built, I've always went with Asus motherboards and AMD processors. (Current PC uses an Intel QCE though) I've used the Gig's in pc's I've built for other people and I've had more issues with those than I have with the Asus. I would recommend adding another 2G of RAM and using a 64 bit OS, you won't regret it.

What would be a good homeschool motto

This is my first year homeschooling and I would like for our homeschool to have a motto. The name is The Reynolds Academy. I will be teaching 1 student, my daughter. Our mascot is a horse. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

What will Mandy the Damned do with his �1M golden p*** off?

he will sit there gloat and count it the total tosser, how could someone, even Brown bring this low life back into the government, and have the damned gall to give him a knighthood, what the hell was Brown thinking. I hope that Mandy stabs brown in the back, serve him right.

Chris Johnson trade in PPR fantasy league HELP!?

you don't want Kevin Faulk to be your bye week replacement. Your Strongest position is WR You can only play 2 WRs so your WR/RB and WR/TE spot would be amazing calvin and roddy. Also Reggie Wayne and Andre Johnson and Calvin Johnson have bye weeks on week 7 along with donald brown. so your going to be short that week. So don't do it.

In love...... is he really?

well here i am again asking away... the guy that im in love with is back home in india til september. he called the other day and we talked he says he honestly loves me and there is no other woman for him. do i believe him since his culture is so different than mine in the u.s.? how should i feel. i am empty without him here i am totally in love with him. people keep saying how he is proably married already since over there they are ordained marriages. but he says no... how can i find out for sure is there some way on the computer that i can check it out just to ure myself and know that i am not just setting myself up for another heartache? i am confused and in love at the same time.. i want to spend the rest of my life with him and want to get married but he hasnt talked anything about marriage.... just when i asked if he ever thought about marriage or kids he said he never thought about it because was always working.. well i dont want to be the one to ask him to marry me. help....

Will we in the UK ever see.?

No, it's not time to increase the limit. If it were 80mph, people would go 90mph. You see some real idiots on motorways as it is - tearing down the fast lane doing well in excess of the speed limit and getting angry with those drivers who do stick to the speed limit. They're a danger both to themselves and to other motorway users - all it takes is one blowout at that speed and not only are you dead (or maimed), but other people are too because of your stupidity.

Why don't the Chiefs get the Respect that a 3-0 team deserves?

It is because the Chiefs are in Kansas city while so many sports reports are on the west and east coast. These elitist coasters call the area flyover country and give it no respect. That is the main problem the coasters in the sports media need to be removed of their bias.

Edcation system in here treat us like an oyster .if it does pleas write me paragragh a bout it?

i need to make 5 body pargragh for it plzz help me by giving me some example that why it treats as like an oyster.

I took dietary supplements and then I had a bloody stool, is this bad?

I took adacor which is a dietary supplement that speeds up my metabolism and I also took nitrous oxide and also a protein shake mix, afterward my stomach was hurting and in doing the restroom I had a bloody stool, I would like to know if this is bad and if I should seek medical help, or if this is common as my body gets used to the dietary supplements. Thank you for responding.

Why the hell did I do this to myself?

Do you have any cles with her?? cause if you do you can talk to her then you can approach her. If you don't "run" into her in the hallway again or accidentally knock over her books or something (haha not roughly of course) and then be like oh let me help you and then you can get a conversation started.

Workouts and cardio stuff? Help?

I reaallly wanna lose my muffin top, tone my legs and arms, and work on my flexibility. Can anyone help me and tell me what is the best way to do all this? Also a dietary plan? What is a good cardio workout? Is dancing a good one? Please answer my questions!!! It would be great if you could help, so please and thank you! :D

A hard decision to make .......?

a guy has a daughter and he and the mother aren't together anymore , so basicly the women is some sort of a and an ignorant women she doesn't give her daughter enough care while the man is a promiscuous man but also he cares about he girl more than the mother and he wants to let his friend raise her so which is better to leave her at her mother's or his friend ?

Does it really take 6-8 weeks to get your refund (direct dep.) if you filed a paper return (through the mail)?

I know what the IRS site says, so please do not copy and paste info from there. I'm just interested in knowing how long it has taken for others in my situation (meaning that they filed through the mail rather than electronically) to receive their refund via direct deposit. Thanks!

When America`s Dem Leaders Warm Your Hearts And Get You To Vote For Socialism..What Will Then Happen To You ?

....How informed are you ? Do you feel Hillaries socialist desires agree with your own desires ? Hugo Chavez, of Venesuela, is systematicly eliminating the public`s say, their voice........Hillary wants to control you and me.....I`m fighting back.....what is your plan ???

Will anyone "Misremember" Roidger Clemens career? Hmmmm?!?

Roger Clemens and Birds on the Bat's Buddy MM are two peas in the same pod....cheaters, drug users in steroids, drug trafficking in steroids, and just plain bad/dishonorable people. I agree with 100 man and shoot Clemens in the sacagwia along with Fatbat's boy too.

Question about email font?

Whenever I reply or forward email the font comes up Times New Roman on the forward or reply information. I compose my email in Ariel and would like the forward and reply to be the same with having to change it every time. I know I can change it myself but would like it to default to the Ariel font. Any ideas?

X factor -time to shelve the sing off?

Yes agree with you totally, so true & I think the public should always have the last say.... am also sick of all the people moaning when in fact then they state they don't even vote.. is only a reality show, light entertainment & some are acting as if it is their lives.... :)

If Bush claims to have been working 'very hard' on the foreclosure crisis--?

I don't think this president has worked very hard a day in his life. He can't even think hard let alone work hard. He's been all talk since the day he entered office.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Do i have to pay extra a month for the HTC Ozone™?

like with blackberries you have yo pay like extra for the internet but i don't want that on this all id like it for is the phone and the mobile windows for music and pictures. so if you can help please do so

What do you think of the movie Women Thou Art Loosed?

Do you think Micheal (sp) should've not shot her Reggie at the end? Do you think she should've gave him another chance? or no? I was thinking Reggie was saying sorry but then he would probably do something else bad to her again.

Have Dems met their Goal by Using Food to Make Ethanol?

Dems, how pathetic are they? They keep preaching how much more they care for the poor then the pubs, yet they are the reason the poor are hurting bad now. Of course, most of the poor are poor because of lack of education, which is what the dems count on.

Watching Lince's start Thursday and Sanchez Friday, I have some questions about no hitters?

I think so but i would look into it. Perfect games in MLB are allowing 0 runners on base, so, when whoever reached on the error, the perfect game was gone, Third question, don't quote me on this, i remeber reading at one point about a no hitter going into the 10th, the guy getting taken out because he had thrown 150 or so pitches by this point, the bullpen blowing it, but i don't think he go the loss just a no decision.

Are the 08/09 K2 Obsethed Skis worth $450?

I am looking to buy new skis for my collection. I rode the hell bents, but not the obsethed. The hell bents are a bit much for the terrian i ride, yet Obsethed are perfect. These are pretty much what I want, have not found anything else similar enough that has caught my eye. Anything else out there worth looking at? I'm a broke college student, I ski the mountians of North Idaho, love the pow pow and to go fast.

Is sucess in Iraq now based on the occupation governments survival without US bayonets protecting it?

Americans just don't fancy themselves as colonialists, but 50,000 Advisers and all the military equipment they need, still equals a lot of bayonets. We've still got hundreds of thousands of troops in Germany, Japan and Korea, and those wars ended ages ago.

Is there any way to retrieve deleted files from a media sharing platform (Ares)?

i want to retrieve a few things i accidentally deleted on my file sharing program Ares and want to know if theres any way to retrieve them. im running windows xp

Female rat favoring front right paw.?

Late last night I took my girls out to watch some telly with me and I noticed one of them was walking a little funny. I picked her up to check her out and I noticed she was holding her right front paw close to her body. At first I thought I saw a little cut/scratch on her arm so I put neosporin on it and just left her to snuggle in my pillows while I went to make her cage a little safer for her. Well I just got her out a little bit ago and she is still limping and the 'cut' is gone. So I checked her arm as much as she would let me and I don't see any sores or scratches or anything. The whole thing is a little swollen, she is hardly using it to walk (just to keep her balance), but she is using it to hold her food. Also she squeaks when I touch it sometimes. If anyone has any suggestions, (besides going to the vet if there is no improvement by monday we're going) please let me know. Thanks.

*Spoiler* Can somebody answer my plot question about the recent Narnia movie?

I haven't read the books, but I heard that the books aren't exactly like the movies anyway. But, at the beginning, when the pictures overflows with water and fills the room, how does this happen? They never explain it throughout the entire movie. I get that it's magical, but it still doesn't have an explanation. Can somebody please help me here? I could barely even enjoy the movie because all I could think about the whole time is why that happened.

Could ben 10 join the teen titans?

i think there should be episodes with ben and gwen teaming up with the titans. it should start with ben and gwen as ten year olds, and the rest of the series them as teenagers. i also think danny phantom and static shock could join

39 weeks pregnant today, period pains past hour!?

hi so babys engaged so my midwife said last week and its just a waiting game now, ive had plenty of darkish yellow discharge for a while now, had the sharp 'lighning' effect down below really really bad off and on mabe 3 times a day for the past 4days seems more painfull and today ive had period cramps..not painfull but they are noticablly there and just wondered if it is early stages of labour?? ive not lost my mucus plug i dont think and my waters havnt broke.. now if these cramps come and go can it still be early labour?? advice please!! xx

I need to find articles related to these books, where do I look?

Wisit There are ysis upon all the books you mentioned and some links. Hope it could help.

Is macaulay culkin santa claus?

because i thought i saw him at midnight last christmas eating my cookiesat midnight will he be back this christmas? and would that make mila kunis ms.claus?

Purchasing Oyster Cards?

Probably not. Thats roughly the time when Public Transport re-starts again for the day. Most people who commute at that time already have Oyster Cards, so they dont tend to open the Ticket Offices. You'll probably have to wait around until about 6am. When you buy an Oyster Card, it costs �3 or �5 I think. You'll need at least �3 for your journey into London too.

Sports and Asthma?

I have a 9 yo son who has asthma. He plays lacrosse and is considering playing soccer, both running games. He is currently taking advair once in the morning to help reduce the use of his rescue inhailer. Is there a way to strengthen his lungs for athletics?

What would you do if your superpower was...?

I would go in school invisible, and fart on this girl i don't like. and then make her life miserable.

Can I take a child to a Gwen Stefani Concert or is she too offensive?

My step-son is will be 8 years old this summer and he is a big Akon and Gwen Stefani fan. We would like to take him to the outdoor concert. Tick prices are right, it is a weekend night. Who has been to past concerts? Is she offensive or is the concert child friendly?

Why are whites discriminated against in USA?

I understand and completely agree. You're the first person I've ever seen to actually voice these things aloud, I keep my mouth shut because I don't want to be labeled racist. People don't seem to understand "racist" does not mean "is white and hates other races" it means "to discriminate against a group of people because of their race" so it is possible to be Asian, or African American, or Hispanic, etc and hate whites just because they are white.

Why are they trying to make Health Care the most important issue?

Why all the grandstanding on this issue , Is it to divert attention away from the economic woes or what?

What is my snowboard worth?

it is a size 104 cm k2 stinger it says it is a 100 but i dont know what that means if you could give me a price that the snow board will go for i will be very happy and it has a little scs on the bottom but nothing to serious a little wax will take them right out.i am thinking i can sell it for around 100

What are the best betrayal song lyrics?

Like when a friend has betrayed you in an unimaginable way. When you have been stabbed in the back by someone.

Mohammaed APOLOGIZES for killing kids in 9/11, how come Bush doesn't apologize for Killing Iraqi Children?

Well he apologises even though probably he never did it. This GWB bugger is neck-deep in s*it & still doesn't care. The difference between their cultural & moral upbringing is obvious.

Rate my 2 yugioh decks?

both of these decks are well built. i give them both a 6/10 for competative play and a 8/10 for casual play. (i never rate anything as a 10/10 unless it is PERFECT) lol. oh and by the way, in your volcanic deck, run 1 more tri-blaze and 1 more blaze cannon. also run 3 solemns in both of these decks.

Should I be wary of this situation?

Alright, so here is the story. I went to my friends house today and there was someone else there that usually isn't. We started talking right away and we clicked. We have practically everything in common, and we both kept mentioning that every time we found something else we had in common. We hung out for about 4 hours. Even if he was "talking to all of us" he would just direct everything toward me the whole time, look me in the eyes the whole time, he even gave me his number. So it seems like he likes me..But then later on when we are texting and he sends me a picture of his and starts talking ual. He genuinely seemed like he likes me in person and we really did have a lot in common, but do you think he may just want something ual or could it be his way of letting me know for sure he likes me..?

Would This Make Me Gay?

Dude your not gay, those guys are jerks. Anyway, the Spartans had ual relationships with other older males in the phalanx and they still weren't gay , they were also the fiercest fighters on the planet at that time. Your far away from being gay, those guys just feel inferior too you. Ever heard the saying "when someone feels inferior, they act superior."?? That's exactly what bulling is. They feel inferior too you, probably because you work well with the ladies ;).

Jason kidd trade?

yeah i heard it on sports center i think they will but it isnt final yet. But im pretty sure they will since the suns got shaq the lakers got pau gasol and the mavericks another elite team in the west has to make a big deal with jason kidd or else theyll be down in their conference.

Which theme park?

Busch Gardens Europe because you get both animals and rides and it is in Europe which is way cooler than the states... unless you live in Europe in which case I would say Six Flags because they have the best rides... but if you really love chocolate then Hershey Park is cool and they have some really good roller coasters and while you are there Kings Dominion is not far so you should go there too. hehe HAVE FUN!

Should I just go?

I defiantly think you should stay at least until you have done the year. no harm in looking at other category's but you are always welcome here

Appearances can be decieving MOVIE?

If it's a short film, it's unlikely to be released on general release/dvd, so your best bet would be to go to the director/creator's website (if he has one)

I have �25-30 to spend on skateboard trucks! what skateboard trucks should i get?

I've been skateboarding for a short time and can ollie and shuv-it. Does anyone know what would be the best trucks to get?

Obama to deliver a statement on Japan at 3:30pm. Where can I watch this?

I do not have cable, just an antenna. I get FOX, NBC, CBS, PBS, and the CW. I prefer to watch online though, if anyone has a website that will be broadcasting it, please share.

Is there any way to get vertex shader 2.0 or higher for the intel gma 950 graphics card?

No, I'm sorry but you can increase vertex shader, or shader model in a video card. These 2 things are part of a video card, and cannot be upgraded. You can buy a new video card though. There are a lot of video cards now a days with vertex shader 4, some very cheap (less than 50 dollars). But what do you need the higher vertex shader for? If it's for a program, then there's some files which emulates vertex shader 2 for the program you want. Just follow the instructions. Hope this helps!

Who do you think gets the National League All Star Team Second base, and shortstop?

i think Dan Uggla for second base , and Hanley Ramirez of the Florida Marlins. they are the best up the middle duel. Hanley i think hits better than Chase Utley of the Phillies.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ways to upgrade my laptop?

There is not much to upgrade. With laptops, you can upgrade the RAM and the hard drive (you seem to have plenty of both), but nothing else. You cannot upgrade the CPU or the Video or anything else. That stuff is all soldered to the motherboard of the laptop.

HELP!!! Laptop geniuses ONLY!!! 1st hlpful answer gets best.?

I have a HP Pavillion dv6000 laptop and it has a built in webcam. but idk how to access it. i jus got it. iv looked all over in the comp. and still couldnt find wat i needed to access the webcam and get it to work. plz hlp.

Is it just coincidence Floyd Jr. somehow Philly shelled his way out of another big fight?

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Get answers from millions of real people.?

i have been a nurse with the Mo. Board of Nursing for almost 10yrs now, a few weeks ago i did a stupid move and drove after drinking and got a DUI. i am scared that i am going to loose my nursing license. it was just my husband and i in the car, i wasn't speeding, there was no accident, the trooper stated that he noticed me riding the center line. it is my first offense, i have a clean record at work, i have never been in trouble with the law. i informed the nursing board and am waiting for my court date. i have already started my alcohol cles even though i haven't even went to court yet. i feel horrible about this and am scared. Will i loose my license?

Please Rate/Criticize My Team?

You need to be concerned about the likelihood of that pitching staff getting hurt. Liriano, Mar, and Street have a history, and Randy Johnson is a dinosaur.

My parents files their taxes separately but they ares still married. Which one should I use for FASFA?

My mom makes more money than my dad so they decided to file their taxes separately so they can only use my dad tax returns when I apply for financial aid. Is this legal? Also when i fill out the fasfa application do I put my mom information down or only my dads?

When will mark sanchez stop getting so lucky?

At the end of this contract! The Jets will finally realize that at best, in the NFL, this guy is a second stringer! yeah he completes some plays, but you can tell that by watching him, he's not the real deal! I won't even compare him to the legends, so let's just compare him to the qb's the jets have had that were decent. is he better than Esiason, Testaverde, O'Brien,Todd, or Namath? No. The only one you might be able to say that he's better than is Todd, and only because Todd was sacked so many times that he got shell shocked! Sanchez will go the same way has Nagle and Pennington.

Guitar hero world tour?

i have Guitar Hero World tour and i wanted to make a zelda song using the plan flute to make zeldas lullaby, i use the notes B, D and then i get stuck can i please get some help, so many ppl get it but i cant...

Eye question?

so like my eyes change colors like every other week like one week theyll be blue then green then gray etc just not brown and all but like is there a catagory for those types of eyes????

Am i goofy or regular?

well ive been skating for like 9 months i started off thinking i was regular because my first trick was a shivit regular then it was easier for me to ollie goofy so i sticked to goofy but then i tried swich and i learnd swich kickflip and heel in 2 days but it took me like 4 months to learn it on goofy but that was probably because i just had started

POLL:: what made you wanna answer this question??

I wanted to answer it (it being "what made you wanna answer this question?") because you asked what made us want to answer the question. Simple enough, right?

Math help.... how?????????

The 8th grade cl is putting together bags of candy to sell as a fundraiser. The tart lemon drops sell for $4.00 per pound. The sweet strawberry drops sell for $12.00 per pound. How many pounds of the strawberry drops should be mixed with 10 pounds of lemon drops to get a mixture that sells for $7.00 per pound

Tattoos!? girls and boys opinion plz !?

Don't worry about where is the best place to get a tattoo, almost every ghetto will have a sort of tattoo artist on which you could count.

Be in a Roller Derby?

It was on a show && I had saw some girls(or teams) playing Roller Derby,&& it looked pretty awesome. I was thinking of playing,but how do I go about doing that? Like to join a team or something?

Help choosing a song!!?

my friend and i are doing tap duo..we want something differnet. we have already done a reggea them and now were thinking using a box. Like we want some type of funky hip hop upbeat song...but not boom boom pow! maybe at the beginning of the dance coming out of a box or something! PLEASE HELP!!! <3 thanks(:

What's the equation for figuring the length of a degree of latitude?

If you ume the Earth is a perfect sphere, divide its cirference by 360. Multiply the resulting distance by, to use your example, 51 degrees.

1971-72 lakers or 1995-96 bulls?

I would take Micheal's Bulls any day against whatever team. MJ is just the best basketball player that has ever played the the game.

Ares free?

Ares isnt good. I used to have it on the computer and half the time it wouldnt download the song, like all the songs I wanted were not available or just wouldnt download even though I have high speed DSL. I would try uninstalling Limewire and installing it again.

The Dangers of Affirmative Action?

this would be a fair statistic if the school in question was 50% white and 50% Black..also if the school systems in black populated neighborhoods wasn't so sub-standard. Understand that it is an uphill climb, financially and mentally. There are 20 obstacles for every one in an average white males life for a black individual. I'm not saying that it should only apply to african americans either, mexicans, hispanics, and indians are on the same slope.

I know this question is going to sound insensitive but?

I want other peoples opinion. If a white American woman goes out with a man from Pakistan or Bangladesh would you think that she settled for less and can't get another man? Please be honest and do not think that I'm trying to insult any race or religion because i am not n

What is his game??????????

A male friend of mine is acting strange with me. He talks to everyone else but me, flirts with other women while I am talking to him (which is fine except we have a history and I would never do it to him) and generally seems to be isolating me. Then today I was talking to this older lady in the corridor admiring her clothes. 5 minutes later he comes down the corridor singing and completely ignoring me, he starts admiring what she is wearing. I say yeah, its lovely isn't it and he acts like I am not there. So I just walked off and said I will leave you to it. I really hurt and confused by this behaviour. What is his motive do you think or have you ever done/ seen anything like this before?

Do you believe burglars are deterred by lights?

Burglars don't want to be seen. The less light there is, the less chance they have of being seen by someone. I keep motion lights all around my house and I have never been burglarized. The guy on the next street keeps his house dark and he has been robbed twice. I will keep my lights...and my property!!!!

Question about the great gatsby?

you know how tom gets upset when he realizes daisys cheating on him but as soon as he realizes he won her back his confidence returns? how does tom buchanan show that his confidence is back and arrogance remains? i cant think of any quotes from the book that show the return of his arrogance cant anyone think of this?

I insulted the 12th zombie many times, how come he did nothing to me?

he could not protect his fake grave when Iranian figs exploded it how come he can protect Shia'a figs?

Monday, August 15, 2011

I recently got an industrial piercing..?

I recently got mine done too! I love it, and the healing process takes awhile. I got mine saturday, and it is still sore and swollen. Clean it 2-4 times a day, with anti-bacterial soap. You can change it in about 2 months to make sure it is completely healed correctly.

My mother is freeloading on her ex-husband's rent and space?

I would just be straight up with your mom. Invite her over, sit down and have a one on one conversation with her. Just tell her that shes being selfesh in so many words. Be rational, be reasonable but tell her everything you feel even if its a little harsh. Just be dead honest with her and hope for best and if she still doesnt listen atleast you can say you tried.

So i guess my ex g.f is a slut?

well heres what happened. she had a b.f before me of over 1year. she said she couldn't stand him anymore and then was messing with me. meaning having with me while with him. well anyway we decide to go out. so we went out for maybe 10days after messing around for 2months. she texs me saying she cant be in a relationship with me because she feels like she rushed to fast after getting outta heres. so i said okay that's understandable. well 3hours later on im fb and see shes in a relationship with this guy. so im like WTF. and i just had with her 5days ago. now shes going out with this guy problem having with him now. and she still wants to *hang out* with me. so whats your thoughts? anyone agree shes a slut or is it just me

General retired Wesley says Mccain is untested,now thats a crock,does anyone believe that Obama is tested?

Retired General Wesley Clark says that John McCain is untested.I'm sorry General but if John McCain is untested and the American people dont know what he stands for,than they havent a clus what Barack Obama is all about,or where he stand on anything,anyone else got any feelings about this joke of a statement?.

New pet rat sneezing problems?

I just got a new rat today, and she is sneezing and sounds just slightly congested. I have her in quarantine from my other rats, but I don't know if I should get her treatment or if her sneezing will get better on its own. At the pet store she was in a small gl cage with pine bedding, so now that she's in a better cage with carefresh will it get better? Besides that she's eating and seems pretty healthy, I'm not going to take her back.

I'm thinking of getting my taxes done professionally...?

National companies almost always overcharge. There's also no need to go to them when there are plenty of tax professionals to be found locally who are just as good if not better than the big boys. I've been using a local place that's just called The Tax Shop for years.

Atheists: If you were theistic, what type of theism would you probably be?

Given where I'm from and my upbringing, if I were religious it would be monotheistic. The one that I'd want to be true is polytheism. The one I'm mostly likely to accept at present is deism.

What is the proper way to use "Ick Away" for goldfish?

I bought him about 2 days and noticed he had white, salt-like spots all over him. I put him in a bowl with about a gallon of water and he has pebbles at the bottom and a plant to hide in. Last night I changed his water and rinsed everything and added water conditioner along with the "Ick Away". It looked like blue dye floating through the water, and slowly dissapeared. On the directions it says that it should turn the water blue. Did I not add enough? Its hard to judge how much water conditioner and Ick Away to use because the directions for both, both just the amount to put in on a 20 gallon tank. My fish also just swims along the sides and sometimes goes up to the top and opens its mouth (looks like its getting air?) and then will swim to the bottom and look like he is trying to swim straight down into the pebbles and try and eat them? Not sure if that means anything... As you can tell I'm new to this fish thing and need some tips! Thank you!

What does "aarielle" or "ariel" mean?

My cusins name,if you are thinking about baby names you should name her Kalina,kalissa,kaleeyah.i love K names

I feel hopeless like a loser a faliure at life. ?

if you feel like a loser that is what you are going to be. You are everything you think you are, if you do not think higher of yourself you will never be any higher than what you are, so forget the negatives study harder and school, and be positive. I can guarantee life will get better if you change your outlook.

I need a new book(s) to read?

If you like the Uglies series, read the Midnighters series. Pure brilliance<3 and it's also by Scott Westerfeld. XD

I want to dress up like a girl for fun?

i wnat to dress up like a girl to see what its like an i no that kinda werid but wat to i wear and do??

Maclaren Techno XLR & XT Wat's The Difference?

Some one who actually Has It Please Answer Or Actually Knows lol I know the XLR weight a lil bit more but what else? I want one that the handles are high! I Was useto My BumbleRide But it was just to heavy. And i am fairly tall so i wouldlike something that i am not bending over to push like The Quest or the Triumph.

I am so obsessed with Twilight New Moon,etc.What can i do about this?

Edward sacrifices himself in the end. Has that cured your curiosity to finish reading it. I don't see why girls get this sickening hysteria over such a trivial thing. People who i'm at school with are like 'It just has everything that is relevent to our lives in it' and i think 'yeah because you are shacking up with a vampire' seriously get over it. It has obviously come to an obsessive stage which can be dangerous to ones mental health. Go to a doctor.

Are people saying ALL the founding fathers were Christian?

This isn't a widespread misconception is it? Just a few people mistaking most for every single one? I mean, there were a lot of deist. Hell, most of the presidents on our money were not Christian.

Can you have an llc but still run your business as a fictitious name?

I would like to start a manufacturing company but i dont want to have to put llc behind it. Also when i start an llc can i add new owners at any time?

Nancy Drew Secret of the Scarlet Hand HELP ?

you find a knob in sonny's desk and you can use it to open a cabinet behind the front desk of the museum. that's where you get the headphones. the narrations to hear are in the garden like place, the black thing on the wall to your left in the shipping and handling room (across from hendricks place) is where you fix the narrations.

I need way to get on myspace a site that cont block and a site that lets me reply back on myspace help me ok 1

myspace to login in and to search for friends and read your messages and change your background please help me find a web site for me to get on at school ok on myspace please help me

Please? I need some opinions?

It could be the clomid, but they do also sound very much like pg symptoms. 9dpo is pretty early to test, I would wait until your period is due and then test again. Good luck, really hope it works out for you and you get a BFP!

Run Redhat on Windows?

please tell me the best and freeware application which helps to run redhat linux on windows.give me download link too. thank u :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What type of family background did Edgar Allan Poe had?

A link for you:a href="" rel="nofollow"

Homecoming Dance themes?

So I was wondering, what are the themes for? This yeah, we have Narnia as our Homecoming theme. Does that mean like everyone dress as a character from that, or is it just how they're going to decorate it? There are four different themes for the four grades. I'm confused, if it's to have everyone dress up as a character, then dozens of Lucys will show up, and Edmunds, and so on...Oh, btw, I go to high school in the US on the west coast, if that contributes to anything. Thanks in advance!

Im 17 and want to get a loan at 18 please help?

No you wont... You are already in over your head, and it will show on your credit report soon enough....

IPod software problem - now my computer won't re-boot??

Try to shut your computer off by the on on the front. Turn it on and off and on and off, until you dont get the screen anymore. also, if it works, and you have a dell, go to the dell site, and select chat with a technician. if u choose, they can take control of ur computer from their office, and fix any problems! good luck!

How do I add it to the host file?

I want to watch snl videos and they are asking me to "disable the blocking of advertisements from"???

Will a Cooler Master V8 fit in a micro ATX motherboard and mid tower?

I'd be hesitant to say yes. Micro ATX mobos use much tighter component placements and the V8 is a huge and heavy heatsink. The case itself should be big enough, but I would go with a smaller cooler since you won't need much cooling given the limitation of a micro board in gaming anyways.

Why do woman get mad over this?

ok,since i was little,all i ever heard was how money hungry woman are.ive even heard it from top it all off,ive actually experienced it!!my,now ex,was nice as pie to me when i handed her my paycheck.but when i found out she wasnt paying the bills(which were payable with the money being made).i stopped giving it to her and looking over everything to see what was going,did she change to a different person.within 2 weeks of not just handing over the check,i was out the door .it seems this so- called myth is true.p.s. the reason she wasnt paying the bills is so she could go blow the money on the usual clothes,casino, sorry but i guess all these older ,experienced ,men were right and all this time .im yet to meet one who speaks differently.ok guys tell me your story?

I have a 98 prelude VTech. The clutch has no resistence.?

I got in my car the other day and I couldnt get into gear. The clutch has no resistence, just sounds like a spring pushing it back up when I push it down. Im not sure if it's a cable clutch or hydraulic, or if that's even the issue. I'm not a Honda knowledgable person so idk what these VTech motors are. Any suggestions as to what to look at first?

My guppies wont reproduce ... !!! (10 points)?

One or the other might be sterile. Get a few more female. If none of them get prego, get another male.

Snowboards brands "rossignol"?

Rossignal is a ski company, so their boards are probably average. The only ski companies that I know of that make sick boards are k2, and salomon.

Hey Guys, I have a problem at work...?

I am with a group of 6 co-workers and we are on a project in Houston, Texas.. Anyways the Manager wants all of us to fly out on Fridays at 6pm.. However, this Friday, my family is holding a farewell dinner party for my Grandmother at my house.. I asked my Manager if I could take an earlier in order to be with my family.. He refused to allow me.. What are my options???

Can I use iron-ons on coat material like a snowboarding jacket?

I have a roxy snowboarding jacket and i want to know if it's possible to iron an iron-on on it or will it melt the fabric? is cotton the only material to use an iron-on? And if not an iron-on what else could I use?

Why some religions have so much injustice to women ?

It's mostly Islam. I am Christian and I see Islam as an pure evil religion that should be banned. Islam is really just a big terrorist organization.

Who will win Superbowl XLV?

I fancy the Eagles at 13/2 is good value especially with Michael Vick placing the way he is, and after that amazing match with the Giants- However Patriots and Falcons look very good also- Whats your view on it??

How do you install Windows on a Mac?

I'm basically computer illiterate and need some help. I need to install a designing program called Autocad on my macbook but as far as I know, it needs Windows to run on. How do I go about installing Windows?

What do you think of Hilary Clinton�s remark that "ad is replaceable"?

i am not sure about if ad is replaceable and who will replace him and how. But that Ms.Clinton is very easily replaceable - of this there is not any doubt. Monika proved it brilliantly, and showed how.

Red mark on my face that wont go away!!?

Well i have this red mark on my cheek that i got from playing basketball and my friend elbowed me in the face. This was 3 months ago and the mark hasnt gone away. What should i do!!

How much is my bottle of whisky woth, it is a single malt, distilled February 16th 1970 limited edition 132.?

Without have the distillery details it's hard to tell - it could have been a rubbish brew from a rubbish place for all we know - and that 132 might be the end of a run after the good stuff had gone elsewhere!

Does anyone know information on U2's 2009 summer tour?

I'm just looking for any general knowledge of the tour that is supposed to happen this summer. Such as when dates/venues will be released, and when tickets would be available. Also if there would be any presale's offers for the tickets.

What does it mean by time travel paradoxes?

If backward time travel within the same universe were possible, what would happen if you go back in time and kill yourself? well, it could not happen, that is a paradox. If you are dead then you can not travel into the past to preform the act of killing yourself. A time paradox can not happen because the paradoxical act prevents itself from happening.

How to get off to a good start

talk to your guidance counselor about your goals. they can help you find out what harvards requirements and ideals are on applicants. AP and honor cles are the best start

Is it true that if you smog a Car in California?

Sounds about right except it the buyers decision most won't ask because they just want the car no matter what.

To run a web search engine what I need: computer with algorithm which is working constantly or if somebody?

click "search" on my Search that enogh to run surch engine - how about -linking, indexing, crawling - are they included in the algorithm? Does the algorithm has to run always like: 22 / 7 = 3.14.........?

What do you think of my predictions, at-home pollsters?

For the electoral votes, not bad. I would give Obama NC based on the huge black turnout in early voting. For the senate, Nope. Best odds are Dems 56 + 2 independents. See a href="" rel="nofollow" and look for "senate scorecard"

Is it worth getting a college degree?

That depends on what you want to do with your life. If you want to be a doctor, nurse, teacher, engineer, scientist, architect, accountant, or one of many other professions, you need at least one college degree. But if you don't want to do something that requires education or training, then college might be a waste of your time and money. There are plenty of people out there with college degrees working jobs that don't require one.

I don't know how to get rid of this thing?

dude, if you were suppose to be going out as BF GF and she went to help her uncle without saying a word to you... that would be so disrespectful. Her so called" helping her uncle" story seems like a train load bull #$%@. Maybe her bro is full of it too. Dump her like last weeks diapers. There are so many other girls that know what respect is. Forget about her. Life is too short. I dont know your living status or if you see her everyday, but I think it's time to move on. You might be in the primary stages of a domestic violence candidate or worse. Change girlfriends before it's too late.

Where can I find some Celtic lullabies?

Why don't you start to listen to celtic music to find inspiration for your lullaby. I suggest listening to the Celtic women group. Or why don't you research on the history of Celtic songs? The history can be a guideline or a template. I love the idea of your book! I hope your book gets published!

What if you were pregnant and.......?

What if you were pregnant and having to live in a hotel for 35 dollars a night, you were due Aug 15th, You had no money and were standing on a street corner with a sign. Now I have tried to get a job and I am receiving government food and cash istance. I desperately need a job but unfortunately I get dizzy spells and I faint. So it would have to be a sit down job till the pregnancy is over. I am so tired of begging on a street corner to pay my hotel bill! I just want a nice job that will pay my room every night so I don't have to worry any more. I am 27 have experience in banquets, Deli, Grocery, child care. I also do photo touch ups and restorations in my spare time. I receive 400.00 a month in cash istance and that will probably go down due to my inability to complete to 120hrs. of community service per month.

Who sings i've been about you?

the lyrics go i've been thinking about you, i've been thinking about you, i've been thinking about you, i've been thinking about you sha pow pow..

Lowest AFL attendance?

What is the lowest amount of spectators to show up to an AFL match this year? What stadium was it at and who played? Thanks.

Do you ever feel really weary--like life is ping you by?

I am a mom of 4--my 8 year old has special needs,and the others are ages 12,13,and 16.I adore my kids and would do anything for them--and I feel a bit selfish for what I am about to say...but here goes--I spend SO much time caring for others that there really is no time left to care for me.Anyone out there who may feel that way too,how do you deal with it?!

Hi every1 im agirl. can any1teach me french?iwant apolite person, not impolite. plz write ur email .thanks !!!

i dont kow french but go to yahoo groups or have a look around in difrent forums here thiw one is for 360 help good luck:D

Hole in the Ozone layer?

Years ago, I used to hear that we had a hole in the ozone layer but then we did things with the environment and now we don't ever hear about that issue... How did we resolve this issue? Please give a short answer... I don't want a long scientific answer.

Is being a celeb worse or better in life?

The reason I ask this. is some might have talent. look at "The Foo Fighters" "Josh Groban" they have talent. however, Brittnay Spears and Madonna. are amazing dancers. however, there vocals are way off! so, I am saying is it true? "you don't need much talent. to get somewhere in life"

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Where are the low limit tables in atlantic city?

Ok so I am cheap and I will be in Atlantic City this Sunday and Monday night and would like to find some low limit tables. Five dollar blackjack tables would be fantastic. Does anyone know where these are? My experiences at casinos in the past have taught me that they can sometimes be scarce.

Undertaker vs HBK at WM25?

No the storyliners are looking at HBK vs Taker at Wrestlemania 25 with The Phenom's win streak on the line.But i think he's going to beat Shawn Michaels at WM 25 in order to keep his undefeated streak intact.He could go to 20 & 0 and then retire at that Wrestlemania and then get inducted into the Hall of Fame.

How do I stop receiving e-mails from a group? Have already removed myself?

I removed myself from a group over a week ago and still get numerous e-mails from that group. I then tried to go back in and see if I had done it correctly, would not allow me access. I then closed my Yahoo account. Still getting the group messages. The group moderator said she would see what the problem was, but has not answered my recent e-mails. I just today created a new Yahoo account so I can find out what to do about this! Thanks for any help.

Meaningful beauty or principal secret?

which one works better for that youthful, beautiful glow, Meaningful Beauty (cindy crawford's endorsed product) or the Principal Secret (Victoria Principal's product)??? I am trying to decide which is better to buy...thanks. BTW, I am 34years old,normal to combination skin.....normal skin mostly... some dryness in the winter and i just had a baby...

Does anyone have the TRU Regigigas dns code?

I know there's a code for the event Regigigas (OT's Name on it is TRU, and I think it is a Japanese Regigigas), like there is for the other events, like Mew, Jirachi, and Arceus, but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know it? I'm also looking for the english version of Deoxys.

Will the Lions go 0-16?

Only if the Longhorns play in the National Championship. The odds for both events are about the same. They will come up with something this season, and stave off the 0-16 moniker.

Why does a lucky dip on the Lotto not include a bonus ball number?

That's not how it works fella - the bonus ball is drawn at lotto HQ to work in conjunction with the 6 numbers on your ticket be it lucky dip or 6 of your choice. If you ain't got the first 6 numbers, hence the jackpot, you have a chance to match any 5 numbers from your 6 plus the bonus ball to win a significant amount.

Xbox 360 Serial Number In SYSTEM INFO in dashboard?

No, but you can determine the drive by looking at the tray. Check this picture to see which one you have. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a The chip set can be figured out by looking at the back of the console. Right above where it says 'Made in China' it will either have 16,5A (Zephyr); 14,2A (Falcon); or 12,1A (Jasper).

What is the better tailgate party in Green Bay? Brett Favre's Steakhouse or Lambeau Field Parking Lot?

I'm travelling from Toronto to the Week 17 game vs. Chicago and want to know the better tailgate party from people who have attended both.

Which of the following statements about viruses is NOT true?

D. Viruses are nothing but a protein coat encasing some hereditary material. They do not possess the enzymes for DNA or RNA replication or even protein synthesis; instead, they use a host's set of enzymes for that purpose.

Does anyone know of a free video/slideshow creation software that doesn't mess up recorded audio like WMM?

I notice that Windows Movie Maker dramatically reduces the quality of any audio playback that I've recorded (such as an MP3 player or camera) and imported. Is there a similar software that will preserve the audio software that is free and safe to download? (Or cheap I guess, but I'm mostly interested in freeware)

What means Data as a Service (DaaS)?

The Data offered is specific data that somebody would actually want to pay for. For example, sales leads or market ysis data. It would be access over the Internet, but DaaS is not the same thing as the Internet.

Which is more painful to watch? Kornheiser on MNF or Emmitt on NFL Countdown?

Kornheiser's completely annoying, but hey, I'll give him this: Atleast he can speak english properly. Emmitt Smith sounds so uneducated and lost sometimes that it's painful to listen to his ysis of the upcoming games. Sure, he has football knowledge, but can they give him some speech cles or somethin'?? Any opinions on this?

Girls only? is this my period?

Sorry for atrocios spelling I'm using my mobile. Well I'm twelve anfd have been getting discharge for about 2 yeaRs now and my hve bn developing.. I have pubic hair etc.. Anyway, Today I found a spot of blood on my panties and I think it is my first period? I'm not sure though.. I was wonderibg if it is should I bring a couple of pads into school tomorrow? Thanks

What is the Blackjack "book"?

It is just another term for playing basic strategy. Check out or just search for blackjack basic strategy on any search engine.

Sharp VERY Painful lower abdominal pain; Please help!!?

Its below my belly on i did have last night with my husband. But i never had this painfull feeling again! I just am Btw. My peroid ended a week and half ago.

Why did Russia Dump the U.S. Dollar for Euro as Reserve Currency and what effect will it have?

They have not actually dumped US Notes, they have changed the proportion of their monetary holdings. The EURO now represents about 47.5% of their holdings as opposed to the Dollar which represents 41.5%. Although this change makes the EURO it's basic reserve currency it has not affected the official peg of the dual currency basket which is $0.55 - 0.45 EURO.

HELP! can having a bad cough hurt my baby?

hi im 39 weeks pregnant and just got over a bad bug. i was in the er all day thursday and they gave me meds and told me to use regular robatussin, but it really hasnt helped. ive been coughing nonstop since wensday and now every time i cough it hurts the left side of my baby bump like a stabbing. im scared that this is hurting my baby, is she affected by my cough?

Need ideas for a haunted trail?

For characters on the trail so far we have Leatherface, Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger and Jason Voorhees. We have the full costumes for every character and they will be at different parts of the trail. We have a custom Jigsaw (SAW) video that we made that will play right before the trail begins and we also have my wife who will be dressed like the the girl from The Grudge crawling after the kids in a strobe light tunnel. What we need is ideas on how to incorporate all the characters. There is a bunch of other scary stuff on the trail like a biker slashed in half and a guy buried alive in a gl coffin but the characters I listed above are our main scares so we need kind of a way to introduce them out on the trail rather than them just jumping out of the bushes and scaring the kids. All the kids have seen the movies so I we want to stay true to the characters, that seems to make it more scary. We got an awesome staff working on it so shoot me your greatest ideas......THANKS!!!!!!

Pickup Larry johnson off the waiver wire?

Do not pick up Johnson. Most experts believe he won't play another down this year and your team is pretty stacked. He wasn't producing before this whole suspension.

Christmas ornament decorating party ( easy 10 points)?

ok so im having a christmas ornament decorating party and i need to know like what to buy and such thx and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Latin America information please?

Hey! I have a HUGE test on Latin America tomorrow, and I was wondering if everyone can give me a hand and list as many facts as possible and recommend websites. I am looking for its history, particularly in Mexico and wherever the Aztecs and Incas and Mayas were. Thanks! ☻☺☻☺☻☺

Why is my shower cold when there is hot water available?

You might have a thermostatic mixer valve. These have a built in mechanism to go cold in the event of a fault so nobody gets scalded.

Whats better for a gaming computer?

Well you have a better processor in the second one but it aint going to help much w/o more RAM...DDR2 is cheap so I would buy the second one and put in more RAM.

Days of our Lives question?

I answered this in a previous post but here goes: We all know that Stefano would ask for a DNA test so I think in the back of her mind, Nicole was determined to get Sami & EJ's baby to be able to do just that. The doctor agreed to her crazy schemes 'cos she was blackmailing him. She would tell Stefano what he did (cover up her miscarraige) if he didn't help her.

Does he have someone else? Should I move on?

you keep changing your name and asking the same asinine question. but the answer's still the same. this guy is married. troll.

Do nike's baseball mitts run big or small?

i play 2nd shortstop and 3rd and need a new mitt. I have an 11.5 mizuno but its real old and worn down. im looking at a nike diamond elite series 11.25 w/ I webbing and an open back. this might be to small. but i dont know. im also looking at the same version just the pocked is w/ T webbing and thats an 11.5 what should i do?

What is the next best thing to a Dinosaur around today?

Me and a friend are having an argument. I say it's the Komodo Dragon, She says it's the Nile Crocodile. Which one os wright

I wrote this poem/sonnet... please read it and give me some feedback, thanks?

wow i think that is really good! =) you have a lot of tallent, and its always good to write about experiences. im 16 and i think i know how you feel. but we live on, in hope of a better day! =)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why do peeps wear hollister?

good question. i don't wear it, its not ugly, its just overpriced and everyone else wears it. I think it has alot to do with the fact that hollister as the company makes it self seem really 'cool' so then popular kids wear it to be 'cool' and then because it is so accessible, less popular kids wear it in an attempt to look 'cool'. i don't really think people wear it cause they like, more because that it is from the 'cool' company of hollister.

Finding an Acting Agent?

I’m looking for an acting agent close to San Francisco, California for teens. Preferably closer to Oakland or Walnut Creek

How seriously do you take threats & veiled sinister insinuations in a chat room?

I never take that stuff seriously online, not from random people anyway. I have a few close friends on the internet who are pretty suicidal, and I take them seriously, but random people on a chat? I usually think they're just trolls and move on.

Science review please?

It's my opinion that these are all things you need to do yourself. Most of these I could write paragraphs about, some require diagrams, and overall they seem like they're critical to an effective review for an exam. Sit down, take a deep breath, pull out a pen and paper, get a cup of coffee, and relax, and then start working. It's all about getting into the zone and just sitting down and pounding out work. If you have any specific questions, I'll be happy to answer them, but I doubt you'll be able to find anyone who will do your homework for you, and I don't have six or seven hours to type out detailed answers for a 10th grade biology cl.

What is a way to remember that mitosis is a process of aual reproduction?

Is there a mneumonic device or some other mind technique in which I can remember and not get that and meiosis confused in the future?

OC'ing a desktop computer :D?

I have a q6600 (quad core 2.4Ghz stock) processor and a EVGA 680i mobo. I can access the boot menu and up the FSB easily. however, if i up it to 333 (i think that's what it is to get 3.0Ghz) do i need to up the voltage too? i can link the FSB to the RAM, so they will step up together. also, is there a reason to increase the FSB a little at a time? is it just for stress testing it or is it to increase the voltage a little at a time because it puts less stress on it? or something like that. idk, can anyone help me?

What is the difference between a .sys file and a .dll file?

sys files hold device drivers and system configuration information. DLL files are dynamic link libraries. they are sets of code that get loaded by (multiple) programs to use.

I can't concentrate and I am having difficulty in school?

dont ever listen to someone trying to "diagnose" you, you can diagnose yourself in just knowing that you are in high school you have hormones racing. You are at a point in ur life that is hard... it was hard for everyone. Just try to chill and relax.... think about ehat you want to be take day by day. Think positive, dont do stupid stuff like hit the walls because what does that do for you? NOTHING. what does something for you is to be positive and know this point n ur life will p. Just for rel take one step at a time. When you r in cl try to just listen to what is going on. Keep all distractions away, dont talk to people or think about what u r doing after school. Gradually your thinking process will get different if you just try. I wish you the best and I hope u can make it threw this, u r young make something out of your life!

Differential equations?

You need to know the rules so why not go to the collage library and borrow a math text. I can recommend Swokowski, but any introductory calculus book will begin with the fundamentals.

What are your views on this netbook, should i get it?

you haven't told us what netbook it is! i would recommend a 13.3 inch or a 15.4 inch screened laptop. it's worth the extra. i would recommend acer ee-pc or samsung netbooks i you really need a netbook. if you can sacrifice some size and weight i would strongly suggest you go for a normal laptop.

What Macbook Pro?

I have the money to buy a 17" 2.6 GHZ, however i would rather have the smaller one (15") due to protability. For $2200 I can get a 2.2 GHZ processor for an extra 600 I can get 2.4 plus an extra 40 gb harddrive and for an extra 775 i can get the 2.6 GHZ processor. Which one should i get i plan on doing CAD a bit of Graphics regular school work, maybe a but of gaming (not hard core though) and some internet and other basic functions.

Wnat verizon wireless cell phone ?

My 2 year contract will be up at the end of this month. I am looking for a phone that is easy to text on. I text more than talk on the phone. Thanks.

What happens when you have absolute freedom?

there is no such thing as absolute freedom because even if society ended somehow, there would always be natural deterrents aka a bigger dude kicking your ***. these external deterrents don't include your personal deterrents that are hardwired into you like shame or fear. and if we all lost these chains then dude it all gets more complicated with the Freudian theories and all that. but just think of it being a quick end to the world if people decided not to work and just to consume and do as they please.

Pleaseeeee any one i am desperate?

considering most grading scales only go to "F", you must really have to suck to get an "E"

What war is this from?

Russia is fighting an on-again off-again war in Chechnya that has involved extreme violence on both sides. I'd imagine that's where this originated.

Babysitting tips for a teen babysitter?!?

Part of the problem might be the time of day. If this is part of their routine, it may be hard to break them of it. Plus as a babysitter it really isn't up to you, it's up to the parents. Certainly take a couple of games with you that are age appropriate and this might work. Or work with it and bring a video or two that is less violent and more age appropriate.

Who will represent the NFC in the superbowl?

There are many good teams in the NFC but out of all those fighting for a playoff spot who will it be. Saints, Vikings, Packers, Eagles, Cowboys, Cardinals or Giants. Personally I think that it will most likely be the Vikings, Saints or Eagles because of their high powered offenses and not bad defences. Do you think it will be these possible teams or the others.

Gambling/Betting strategy question.?

I was wondering if it was possible to modify the betting strategy to make a profit with this data. Lets say you're playing a game.. It can be anything.. Blackjacks, poker, any type of gambling game.. There are 30 games/draws and you know for a fact 100% you can bet your life on it that you will hit 3-5 times within those 30 games/draws. Each game cost 2 dollars but the win is 5 dollars.. So thats 3 dollars profit. If you know 100% fact that you will win 3-5 times between every 30 draw but the problem is you dont know when.. is it possible to modify some sort of betting strategy to make crazy profit from it using big money? thanks

Would you please comment on my attempt at Spensarian Sonnet?

k, I really like it . Two mistakes I found though. First of all its Gaea no GaEa and Jubilee and trees don't ryhme cause there is not s on jubilee, I think its a very fine piece of art

Less expensive version of this ring?

Forever 21 has beautiful, real looking rings at great prices! I would go to the closest Forever 21 store near you to see for yourself, but the link to the rings on the site is below.

How should a person look if there body fat% is 37%?

I am 5 ft 4, and weigh 52 kgs, which is 114 iibs, but my body fat is 37%, and im size 8-10...does this percentage seem realistic

What is the shoots and ladders song about?

Ring Around the Rosies- Plague .One Two Buckle My Shoe- Witchcraft .London Bridge Is Falling Down- Given .Nick Nack Pattywak- Do Eating Old Mans Bone, Roll . Whats Left Home .Merry Had a Little Lamb- Slavery .Ba Ba Black Sheep- The Outcast of a family is . . referred to as the black sheep . of the family, so this is about . the master, the maid, and the . little boy down the lane . . . . killing him(life=wool)

Profound Gay Love Story?

I hoped I could think of one, but I can't. Why? Its a great question. I still think there is mive phobia in the arts and the media. There is more "representation" of gay people now days but is very stereotypical (Queer as Folk) and it is very dominated by youth. Mature love between men is very rarely portrayed... can you name an example of intelligent gay men over 30 in the mainstream?

Can a man with slightest intelligence ask for development when his very life is at risk?

Surrender your arms and free kidnaped minor girls of your community and reveal the truth that how much you have drawn from the Hurriyat to write this bogus story.

How many devout christians here believe in other gods?

That the only difference between an Atheist and a Christian is only the difference of one God. Interesting, but I find this logic largely isn't understood. The same can be said of even Satanists, that they share the same mythology of Christians. That the two are intertwined opposites of the same thing. The problem is that Christianity is not open to a lot of introspection, I find, sadly.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ladies please help me here. I am begging you here!?

This is the deal. My gf of 8 beautiful months has just been through a great deal of hurt. Her dad has just walked into her life about 3 weeks ago and she trusted him far too well and he took advantage of her. She let him because she didn't want him to hurt her. Afterwards she started prostituting to make money. She's slept with 5 strangers in the last 2 weeks. She's also proud of this. She has broken up with for whatever unknown reason..maybe she is mad because I wasn't there. I am in the Army and I am weeks from my deployment date. In about a month I will be in Kuwait. 2 weeks later I will be in Iraq. Where I will remain for the next 10 months. This is very hard for me to handle. I need advice. Please help me. What do I do about her. I love her so much but she doesn't love me anymore. She has a boyfriend now. She trusts him with her life but has only known him for 5 days. They met the night before she told me that she was going through all of this. I need answers.

Is the term "carbon footprint" the 21st century equivalent of "duck and cover"?

It translates roughly as "I would like more bureaucrats poking around my living room please"

Overall, how gory is the movie Black Swan?

I've heard about some of the ual content in the movie, but what I wanna know is how bad is it, bloody wise. I have a really week stomach so yeah :)

Did Adolf Hitler had any choice?

well before world war one Russia and Germany were best of friends you know. hardly traditional enemies. for example they joined the British and Austrians against the Revolutionary french and then napoleon. Stalin and a number of the Communist party members were in refuge in Germany from the tsar. Hitler never liked communism so he was always going to attack the USSR. Hitler also did not care how many Germans died. he showed that all to well in making it clear they would not surrender when things were going bad. Millions of Germans died in the last year of the war that need not have.

Help in cl 9 english?

i am also in ninth cl. and i just read this poem it's awesome and the same question we have done but i can't write here because it will take a lot of time have you got any maths ignment or any working model?

More questions on lyrics...?

A "trial heat" is a practice run of a race, so it's not the real race. This song is telling you that your life is not practice; it's the one and only life you get.

Lutheran faith as a reform?

In my PERSONAL opinion, lutheran faith was supposed to be progression of catholicism, but they seem to be way behing catholics now. Luther not only killed many Jews in the process of christianization to his new religion, but also created religion that has superiority complex (our religion is the best, you don't believe in Jesus you go to hell etc). But what's most arogant about this religion is that they can never hold an argument/discussion with you, but always say:"I don't know, but this is what the bible says". Really?

Radiation is good for you, right?

Well, you stop having "bad hair days". In fact, you stop having hair days altogether!...(or rather, you stop having any kind of days altogether!)

I like this kid at school but he do-sn`t like me what do I do because he won`t get out of my head?

I like this kid at school but he dosn`t like me what do I do because he won`t get out of my head?,and he said he wants to bang bang boogy with me but he hates me 'I think"??????????

Do you know where i can get a RARE Yahoo ID?

Use your initials and then a number sequence after that that means something to you. I put 755 after my initials which was the first year in history that my first name was ever put to use.

What should i do?!!???!!!!! HELP!?

You will see him again...if you love him that much he prob. love you too and he will find a way to come over there

Did you ever admire........?

Adolf Hitler? I used to admire him to death but when I found out all of the evil crap he pulled off, I threw him out of my head as a hero. Anyway, what about you? I'm bored btw.

What to get the wife for Christmas?

It is not about how much you spend but the thought behind it. Do something special together instead of buying a "thing". Go for a special meal to somewhere stylish. It will cost less that 500dollars and the memory will last longer..Or book a room in a swanky hotel as well?? Andy (from England).

Help! I'm moving to colombia in a few days.?

i kind of got my mother pissed enough to send me off to live with my grandmother in Colombia. She says she'll straighten me up there, but I'm trying to explain to her that im in the middle of my senior year in high school and the school system is totally different there. The only good schools there are private and cost money. She says she'll pay, but one of my bffs went to school in nueva granada and she said she had to take a test in order to get in and that there are enrollment deadlines! She's really smart, so of course she ped with flying colors, but im not that smart and what if they dont even let me in and i have to go to a public school there. i go to a public school here in Texas and i love it, but its way different over there. schools dont even have air conditioning and where my grandma lives the temperatures are infernal hot! im really freaking out here! so, please, i need no more lectures (got more than enough of those from mom), i just need some feedback on how school is like over there, public and private (will they even let me in this late in the school year?), and some advice on how to survive the narc kingdom of the world!

Survey: girls do you ever wear boxers? and like 4 other girls in my cl stole some boxers from my friends ryan and austin one time and we wore them on pj day lol (with regular underwear on underneath of course). so have you ever stole any from anyone or do you wear them? we still have their boxers haha

Is the reaction of the liberal Left to President Kennedy’s ination comparable to their reaction to 9/11?

Yup. Here's the big difference between liberals and conservatives in situations like this: Conservatives see the world the way it is, and although they may be outraged by things like the ination of a President or the destruction of the World Trade Center, they accept the reality of what happened and set about trying to find those responsible and hold them accountable for their actions. Liberals, on the other hand, insist on seeing the world from their own individual Utopian views, and any time something happens in the "real" world that doesn't conform with those views they cry and scream and stomp their feet and say "It's not fair!" And instead of searching out those responsible and bringing them to justice, they instead say that the way to overcome the irrational hatred that led to these acts is to reach out and "play nice" with these people (not realizing, of course, that no amount of playground courtesy will change the views or opinions of people who hate and act on that hate by killing innocent people). BOTTOM LINE: Conservatives think and act in the real world, while liberals start from the position of "In a perfect world..." One group has their eyes open, the other has their heads buried in the sand.

What is this song called?

idk lol i just know some of the lyrics it goes like "east coast west coast..... a girl sings it and she is singing about her home. plz hlp i been finding this song forever

Can i get diabetes????????

meh im not like freakin the hell out about this but in my health cl we've been talking about diabetes so im just a little curious curiousity killed the cat: and satisfaction allowed him to rest in peace =D so the only sweets I really eat are a soda and candy bar once a day Dr.pepper and reeses are my fave and i usually eat them at the same time with eachother its in my routene to go to the store and buy a soda and candy once a day and i work at a restraunt 3 days a week so i get free soda on those days and usually drink 2 so am I at high risk med low or what?

"They both have a secret"?

Angela has a secret and Mary has a secret. Their secrets are different. Which is correct, "they both have a secret" or "they both have secrets"?

Cricket - How much pressure will Phil Hughes be feeling at this point?

With heaps of pundits screaming for his inclusion and he gets his chance. I would say he would certainly prefer to be replacing someone out of form rather than someone injured. Whats your thoughts on how he may be feeling?

Themes from To Kill A Mockingbird?

Childhood (Jem growing up and Scout having a hard time understanding), and innocence (Jem and Scout have to deal with the ugly parts of life in their community). Both of those themes are a little less obvious, but would be easy to back up with excerpts from the book.

Do you think that the steady increase in tornadoes is a symptom of climate change?

I think so, but it's just a correlation at this point. Unlike temperature increase, it's not been PROVEN this is due to our emissions of greenhouse gases.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is 13 degrees too cold to be streaking if the Steelers beat the Browns?

LOL OMG!!!! Yes that is too could but You can not back out of this!! Lol; that is tooo funny... I have seen my fiance in cold weather and I have always wondered why his ya knows look like they are trying to get into his body! But good luck, and have fun!!

Is there a way I can share my internet from my mac to my Ps3?

So i live over seas and our wireless just died and now I use this thing called Zain E-go in kuwait. So know i can't play online on my Ps3 so i was wondering if there was a way to share my internet from my mac or pc with windows 7 to it. I've looked on google but they didn't help so much. So can you please help me =]

Little leauge story through umpires eye?

stories such as this are prime examples of parents over reacting at such petty situations like watching their son play 12 year old little league baseball

I'd like to have a modest but stylish swimsuit?

I'm not talking about those dress swimsuits that cover you up completely! I'm talking about a tankini and boyshort set that is cute but modest. I've been to Alloy, Victoria's Secret(modest tops with a showy bottum or modest bottum with a showy top! Jeez!) and Delia's, but is there any other good place to look? Thanks!

What does strictly platonic mean?

I was about to post an ad on Craigslist when I came across an ad posting saying strictly platonic. What does this mean?

What are good colleges for outdoorsy, nature-loving people?

I'm a senior in high school, and most people would describe me as "hippie". I guess i would have to agree :P I am having a hard time finding schools near me that i feel suit me. I am looking for a place where there are a lot of kind, outdoorsy/hippie-ish people like me. Size (preferably smaller i guess) and academics don't matter, but the most important feature is that it has easy access to nature and outdoor activities. I love kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, etc. and I want a college where i can spend time in nature with other free spirits like myself. I am also very into music and crafts (paint, crochet, macrame, pottery), and i love towns with lots of independent shops and coffeehouses where people play music. I live in GA and a college in GA would be ideal so i can use the HOPE scholarship, but colleges in GA like this seem hard to find, so I can go out of state up to about 9 hours away from Atlanta. Please help me and my future happiness!!! hahaha, Thanks, Peace :)

Will my system play crysis on very high settings?

yes most likely, but vista? havent tried it myself with vista, but my rating would be 99% minus vista :)

What is the name of your spouse?

My wife's name is Shayla Megan Rose. Her name is not Megan Kendall Rose. I made a typo mistake. Her father's name is Kendall Leonard Rose. Kendall is a Celtic boy name. But now it became a girl name. Last name is Rose. She is as lovely as a rose and will always be my princess.

Leeds: what happened to them -they were 8pts clear at the top of League One, now trailing by 7.?

They appear to be in free-fall. They've won only 3 games out of 15 since beating united - they must have gone above their pay grade a bit there. At this rate, they will have to look for promotion through the playoffs. Charlton are only 2 points behind them now.

My Angel came to me.....opinions please?

WoW this is so great and i enjoyed it till the last word was read' and I think your a great story writer and a poet writer as it looks like you know how to get our attention' with your words of a great story...

Would you vote to legalize marijuana?

Yes, with the set of cirstances in America and the dangers of profits being made by its illegal sales across America, it is time its legalized and regulated and taxed like alcohol products. The Mexican border is dangerous because marijuana is illegal and the drug cartel are making billions off it and using the profits for more violence and murder! The Mexican drug cartels would be out of business over-night with marijuana being legalized in the U.S. It could have the same rules and restrictions as alcohol consumption and there would be penalties for misuse and those under 21 years of age using it illegally! In 2009, it is time to legalize marijuana and stop the madness over keeping its sale and distribution in the hands of criminals, murderers and drug dealers!

How can I get my wife to?

I can't believe that a man named PoopyPuss is demanding a mature answer, However, you could give her One Thousand dollars in cash and tell her she can keep whatever she doesn't spend on the superbowl spread. Believe me, what you get will be her idea.

GUY ADVICE, need help please. 10 POINTS!!!!!!!?

Hmm i say that he does like you but obviously he is EXTREMELY shy. When u told him that u liked him, did he say anything else back? or did he just act happy? I mean, I think he does like you and is prolly just debating on whether he should ask you out, and if so, how should he. Maybe u r different than other girls and he feels as tho he has to take a diff approach to asking u out. My first boyfriend was the same way with me. I was diff than other girls he had dated (because Im more appropriate, and nicer, and caring and such. his other gfs were pretty much s. haha) so, he took a long time to ask me out b/c he really liked me and didn't think he wood stand a chance with me so he wanted to make sure that when he asked me out, he didn't mess up anything. it is very confusing when guys do stuff like this. but if he doesn't make a move soon and u really like, i would just ask him to go out to like get icecream or a coffee or smoothie or whatever ya'll like, hah, and casually talk about it. u can't say u didn't try, even if nothing works out u know?

Should I visit the County of Galway or Kerry in Ireland?

Galway is cooler in my opinion. More fun, connemara is more steeped in tradition unless ya want to head back to dingle (which is beautiful). It would depend on what the trip is going to entail. Killarney is amazing and Galway city is amazing. Really it doesn't matter which you choose it's going to be a great trip, the only reason I say Galway is because I dislike Kerry because there next door to me :P

Do you like old or new pop music better? Why?

Everyone has different opinions on this, and I was wondering if you liked 70's pop (like elton john, billy joel, and carly simon) or pop of the 2000-2010 decade better (like Ke$ha, lady gaga, and shakira) I personally prefer the older pop because it requires more talent. How about you?

What is the difference between playing the lotto, lottery, investing in the stockmarket, 401K?

When you invest in the stockmarket and have a 401k are you not taking a risk just like gambling. I do not see the difference. Does the Bible specifically state that it is a transgression or sin to gamble? If the Bible does not say it how can man say it is sin. Is not sin a transgression or a missing of the mark (God's Law)?

What should I do?! Please help me!?

okay, so, there is a group of girls called "the posse" at my school. i've always wanted to hang out with them because there are 5 of them and they are in my cl. most of them i have been friends with before, but now, as a group, they are just plain mean. except for one girl. taylor. she's kinda a follower, but shes my friend. the other day, t and i were just getting annoyed with them. they didn't sit at the usual lunch table. and that was the first day t started hanging out with me, really hanging out with me. so we were really mad and we hard them gossiping about us. so at recess we were just hanging out and hey came over and started telling us that one of them was offended that t's friend made a video of their crazy moments doing their facebook show. and they wouldn't even let us talk and tell them how we feel. so today i got on face-book and , guess what? they all deleted me as my friend. and they did to taylor too. so tomorrow i will confront them and tell my homeroom teacher. but i'm kinda scared. help, please?!

SAS and RAMC personnel?

Can Royal army medical corps officers join SAS as trooper ? The internet has some info on a certain SAS RMO who ped selection but is it really possible ? And if so what are his responsibilities in a Squadron ?


Would it kill you to think up some interesting/unique questions...instead of obvious junk like this? It really isnt that hard!

Falsely accused of fault in accident. what to do?

Hi. Few hours back i was driving to the gas station, to fill up my tank. The road had two lanes with 45 mph speed limit. I was driving on the right lane. There was a woman driving parallel to me in the left lane. She was driving a hummer. But suddenly she made such poor lane change, that she hit her hummer on my car. I was in the blindspot of her, and she never cared to look for blindspot and just changed lane. My car was very badly damaged because of it, and the door almost came off and the vehicle landed on the curb. When she pulled over, she started accusing me of poor driving and not paying attention. So i called the police, but when police came she gave false statement that i made poor lane change and bumped into her. I told the cop, that she is lying, but the cop didn't beleive and instead believed that woman. And then the cop charged me with improper lane change and reckless driving. And the cop even said, "i trust woman's word more than man's word". I have liability insurance.

If WWE annoys you so much why do you keep watching?

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and watch someone else like TNA or an indy fed? Thge only reasonm Vince stepped up his product in the Attitude era is because viewers were watching other companies like WCW and ECW's shows and that's the only thing that will get him to improve now.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who believes most country music has gone down the toilet?

Some country is still great (Jamey Johnson, brooks and dunn, george straight) but i believe that some of country music is being ruined because is is slowly changing to pop (Taylor swift, miranda lambert, kellie pickler...etc). i mean what happened to all the great country music on the radio (hank williams jr, waylon jennings (even though he is dead... R.I.P.), willie nelson, kris kristofferson, johnny cash (even though he is dead... R.I.P.). so how many of you people think that most country music has gone down the toilet because of the pop artists who think they are country artist and want some true COUNTRY MUSIC on the radio?......

Do you agree or disagree with David Parkin when he says AFL is "squeaky clean" ?

the footy show made an interesting point of this last night. they compared the afl in 2003 to 2008, and showed some clips of the adelaide roughnut Mark Riccuito. he didn't get suspended for any of the actions shown, and ended up winning the brownlow that year. but when compared to some instances this year, where they are extremely simular, the players have nearly always been suspended.

Balance this equation pretty please...chemistry?

Its already balanced I just took my chem final a couple of weeks ago and I got a 95 and it had exactly this type of thing on there

Do you think my wife is pregnant?

Ok, we have been TTC for the 2nd month. This month we BD many many times around the ovulation. We tracked her ovulation by BBT chart. Also AF for her is like clockwork, never late. She started bleeding 5 days before her period, but that is normal for spot until AF. Well this time, she stopped spotting 3 days before AF (which should have been today). Well, no AF today and an HPT has only the faintest of faint lines but you can see something for sure. I don't know if it is an evaporation line, but given the fact that she was due today and is dry as bone, do you think she really is prego?

Marginal utility.....?

Pizza place offers pizza for $12 then the 2nd one is only $5 I know its all about the more pizza you eat you are less hungry.... how does that tie in to marginal utility again? thanks

Healthy, Easy Meal Ideas (Weight Watchers)?

I really want to do a diet and stick to it - I like the idea of points counting and I am really good during the day I like cereal for breakfast and a small lunch but dinner is my downfall I need ideas of healthy easy meals I can do for my dinner, i'm not the best at cooking - I have a slow cooker and sometimes do stews, are these healthy?

I just realized that when I got an auto loan they made a mistake and put me as the co-signer?

My grandmother was co-signing for my loan and I didn't realize we filled out the paperwork they listed me as the co-signer and her as the purchaser, is there anyway I can have this fixed? The loan is about to be paid off pretty soon.

Will i be admitted to the hospital when i see my doctor this week?

Go see the Doctor, most Lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis are caused by viruses, if it isnt a bacterial infection taking antibiotics is a waste of time, bacteria can cause lower respiratory tract infections-just not as common as a viral infection.

Question about Hairstyling/Spray? (Guy)?

You should use tressame hair spray, its the brand that salons use or even better you should use tressame mouse. Though none of these hair materials are good for your hair, the one i suggested is always better

With 1 1/2 cups canned pumpkin ?

make pudding, add to vanilla add cinnamon, pumpkin spices or nuke it with milk and spices eat it like squash ,

Foreign exchange student?

i've been wanting 2. except my parents are worried about the cost. but they said i could do people to people. try it and go online to and its very cool. many diff places and experiences

Fort Mcmurray, AB employment/Company Apartments, Camps,?

I am from Nova Scotia, and I want to work out of Fort Mcmurray. But its hard to find a place there. Is there any companies that you can work for that sets you up to work out of camps? Is there any companies that will pay for your airplain tickets for flying to and from home when not working? I need the names of these companies. Also is there any companies that have company apartments for there employees?I have 11 oil field tickets, and worked in the Oil field for 2 years as a Oil & Gas Well Tester but any kind of work would due. Help would be great! Thanks

Atkins diet on indian food!!!!!!!!!!?

is it possible to follow the atkins low carb diet on indian food..if so then plz give some plan or useful link..

Shrooms or Acid?

I would like to trip with acid sometime, but i have tripped shrooms on numerous occasions. Which one provides the most enlightenment?

What are the best tickets for the Oakland Athletics?

I'm looking at a group of at least three, and I'm liking the Field Level Tickets. However, I haven't been to Mcafee, and I'm wondering if any seats are better than the others. Information like where the dugouts are and what exactly the all you can eat tickets are.

Who do you think are the top 6 idols in Season 8?

I would agree with you on those, but I want to see next week's performances as well. You can tell Randy wants Lil Rounds to go very far.

Where can I find a printable version of the birth of jesus on christmas?

I really want to read the birth of jesus to my 9 year old sister! i would prefer it be from the bible but not the king james version!

What is the cosecant of 126 represented as a function of a positive acute angle less than 45 degrees?

I know it has to be sin, cos, or tangent. CSC 126 is the same as CSC 54 or SEC 36 but how can I represent that as a function as opposed to a cofunction?

Yugioh Trade?

Should i trade my magma neos, vennomanoga, Dark Grepher, Exodious, Neo Parath, Yubel Ultimate Nightmare, and grandmaster for Necroface Dark Creator Green Babbon 2 Malicious Jinzo Grand Mole Exodia Rainbow Neos Card Trooper Super Vichroid 2 Gene Warped Uria Hamon Mormolith Burial From a Different Demmision and Mirror Force

Questions to ask pro-animal testers in debate??

Hmm, ask 'would you want animals testing done on your dog and cat?' 'why should they be spared while other animals are still rounded up and used like that'.

Do you need to read in order to understand the Chronicles of Narnia?

For instance, I've read the Magicians Nephew and the Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. However, I want to go straight to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, will I understand it?

Waiting to be housed by north herts council in uk, have 90 points how long do u think b4 i get moved?

i'm currently living in 2 bed flat with kids (my nephew and niece) who are 15 (male) and 17 yrs old (female) both still attending school, there having to share a bedroom at the mo, the boy has some medical probs which the council have been notified of including adhd and a bowel condition, i need a max of 70 points for a 3 bed house iv recently put in new housing application and been told i have 90 points, how long is it normally b4 they move someone in this kinda situation??? thanx for any answers on this. mel.

What's the best way for 3 people to buy an investment property?

We were going to form an LLC and buy it through there but someone told me that an LLC cannot buy property, and that one of the 3 people would have to buy it. Is that true? Can you then transfer the property into the LLC? Would you want to do this? How is this taxed? What is the best way to go about this?

How's my Fantasy Bball team?

Really great team! all i could say is the long term injuries that gilbert arenas and monta ellis have which could effect how they do.

What would be enough to prove to you that you were wrong about this?

They have absolutely no evidence to back them up. They are pathological liars and thieves. One day they will stand before God and be called liars. They are evil mechanical freaks. Brain washers too.

Is the brand Atticus ociated to the book To Kill A Mockingbird?

Interesting question! It does sound logical doesn't it? Perhaps the book is a fave of the designers.

Independent ortment & linkage?

Law of independent ortment just means that when you have 2 or more genes on the same chromosome--like say one that codes for eye color and one that codes for hair color, then during cellular division, they will segregate separately. And that is what Mendel did. He studied numerous traits and noticed that they "ort independently" from one another. So, in essence, you cannot determine this property usually a monohybrid cross (a cross that just looks at one gene). You would need to do a di- or even tri- hybrid cross. Mendel's explanations were remarkable for his time. Then, it was thought that traits "blended." Meaning that, fore example, if you had a red flower crossed with a white flower, then the progeny would be pink--a blend of the parentals. Mendel discovered with the law of independent ortment, along with other theories, that this was not the case. However, like you mentioned there are exceptions. Sometimes, genes on a chromosome are linked, only if they are in close proximity. This means that gene A will always be with gene B. So if they are undergoing meiosis, then they, of course, will segregate together. There are also various types of linkage, such as epistasis, etc, which dictates the various phenotypes of the progeny of the parentals with linked genes. Such ratios are 9:7, 12: 5, etc.

Kids are making homemade snowglobes for Christmas presents.. advice?

I'm not sure about making the picture water proofed, however, your glitter may be floating because it is too fine. I know when we made ours, the heavier glitter worked perfectly, while the really pretty (also really fine) ones just floated around. They are still really pretty though!

Can adults enjoy the Narnia movies?

I love Narnia and I'm an adult, so yes. But I like the original so much more than the remakes. Probably just nostalgia though.

What does my husband mean by this?

We have been happily married 15 yrs...We have always had a routine but satisfying life and i never get bored with it and we make love 2-3 times a week..A few times only out of curiousity and not cause i thought he was bored with our life i asked him if he ever got bored with our life and wanted to try something new and different and he has always said "no i like the way things are"...He is 41 and im 37...So what does he mean by this?

What is a really good love song that I can show to my boyfriend?

We are both 16 and we do this thing where we both show each other songs that remind us of each other. He usually shows me rap songs because thats what he really likes, but i like rock songs, so i need help finding some good ones. And since we have only been dating for like 2 weeks, i dont want to show him a song where its like i love you, but things more like i miss you, i cant stop thinking about you, etc, just cute stuff. And i dont want it to be gay alternative artists such as boys like girls, or secondhand seranade, but real rock artists like the foo fighters, rolling stones, etc. I also dont want the song to be depressing. Thank you!!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

My first drinking party is tonight?!?

so ive never been to one before but my friends do it all the time. i am 16 ik its illegal and bad but im going, so dont waste time with that :p ik the responsiblity and everything , like dont leave ur drink alone keep a sober friend etc. BUT my friends tend to group together and leave m eout sometimes so im worried ill be there without my friends. my friend is bringing me so i do have someone to show up with... but who knows, she knows how to party so shell prolly just run off and bam im all alone. the host of the party i am somewhat close to.. but not enough to feel confident with just him or something i really want/hope my friend will stay with me, but her other bff hates me so i feel maybe theyll go off together,, HELP!!! :):):):)plus i have NO idea if were suppposed to bring our own drinks.. im not cause i have noeone to buy them for me.

Can you catch anything from trying on lipstick and other make-up in the stores where they leave testers out?

You bet your bippy. You can get , oral thrush, and any number of respiratory ailments from them. Byp putting those items on your face, opt for the back of the hand if you just want to check the shade. If you really want to see what it looks like on you- most of the reputable makeup counters have single sample blister packs. Of course those are for the more expensive lines of makeup, but if you really must put it on your face, that is the only way to go.

If I am on the deed, but not the mortgage agreement, am I liable for the foreclosure?


Small eyeliner problem?

currently i am using urban decay 24/7 eye pencil. I love it, especially the dark it is, how well it glides on, and how it stays on my waterline. But sometimes, it will kind of smudge on my top lash line a little bit, and also it glides on so well that it needs sharpened more often, and i'm afraid it won't last as long. but idk if I wanna buy something else because id want anything that's not as dark as the urban decay. I heard MAC fluidline is amazing, but i'm not too great with liquid because once I used waterproof liquid eyeliner on my waterline, and it would go in my eye, and I would just cry the liner out. that's why i quit using liquid. It wasn't real expensive so that's probably why it didn't work. I never bought fluidline cuz if it will do the same thing, then I just wasted lots of money cuz its expensive. And is it possible to get eyeliner that will last at least a few months if I use it almost every day, and has all the qualities of urban decay?

Are impolite words and cursing others part of every day english in America?

I never visited usa but from the movies and even educational programs like Dr phil or reality tv shows I concluded this. Is it true. and to any extent. I mean can sombody live in Usa without using them or hearing them. i mean words like f.u. son of -----, pasta---, kick my ------, fu--ing mother and more. does these words still have an insulting and impolite nature or they are became somthing else because of widespread usage. I saw also that it is not good to say them in front of women and children. Is there any rejection or refusal to use them in public.

Do you think television is making people suffer from Stupidity?

I agree on the fact that it is used to brainwash people. I rarely see a show that talks about thing's that are going on in the world, or good comedy, or just a plain simple show. Today's shows are all about buy this, or buy that, or , and killing. I mostly read,a nd go outside for walks, or go on my laptop. TV isn't much of a big deal to me unless I want to watch a movie.

Legend of Zelda TP question?

Ok i have already beten the game already b4, but i decided to do a re-run, you know to get the poes, bugs, etc. And you know when you are in the hidden village and you have to kill all of the goblin things, and they fall off the railings, and break a part of the rail. Well i did that, and i came back later to get a poe that was there ( 1 of the last poes!) and you have to clawshot one of the nets that is up there to reach the poe. so i got out my clawshot, looked up, and the railing was back! So i tried to clawshot up anywhy, but of course, it didn't work. Link wouldn't climb up all the way, past the rail. So i really worked hard to break the rail, but nothing worked. And i spend almost 3 hours to get all of the previous poes, and i don't want to give up because of this stupid one. so plz someone help!

Can't have with my boyfriend, should I move on?

I love my bf. I really do. He's a great guy, but he's fat. I know that sounds shallow, but he's gotten a huge belly over the last couple of years. I'm so very unattracted to him. My previous question was about his belly, but I can't movtivate him to lose it. I'm afraid he will just get fatter and fatter. I love and the thought of him on me....ewww.

Why cant mexicans admit....?

You are absolutely right! Illegal is illegal wether you are a quote on quote good person. Be here legally, no matter what country you come from.

Imagine that you are compelled to live in iraq?

Saddam offered security?? From what? He captured, tortured, and killed his own people. How is that secure? I hate to answer a question with a question but I am confused.

Why is it that facial hair and nails continue to grow .....?

Head hair will grow until we become bald. Facial hair will grow until we die. Nails likewise. Left uncut they will just grow very very long. However, remove your under arm hair or your pubic hair or even body hair. and it will grow back to the same length and stop. How does this work?

First time player, rate my draft please?

starters look ok, look to see if you can pick up another WR for edwards, see if Jacoby Jones is there. look out for backup RB just incase Addi does'nt put up phenomenal numbers due to a p heavy offense or Donald brown taking carries away.

Can a men fall in love with other women after his marriage?

Your curiousity makes it sound like you're interested. Try not to worry about why he is feeling the way that he is. Love is not self-seeking, so if it was true love, he would not express this knowing that it messes with your head and interferes with your marraige. Ask him to stop expressing these things, save your marraige, and let him get over his feelings. They are just feelings - and they will come and go. You are not missing out on anything. Be true to your spouse and the committment you made.

Philadelphia Beats Atlanta in 10 Innings?

Another 1 run loss and this time it's in Atlanta. So the way I see it is since they have a great record at home with a few losses then the road woes should be about over and they should start winning? It's gotta stop/start somewhere right? Talk to me. Bobby Cox is a great manager also. Just so you know!

Anyone know the name of this song that was on SNL last night during one of the skits?

On a skit with Ashton Kutcher, Will Forte, Bill Hader, and Jason Sudekis, there was a song that played in the background and they would sing the chorus together. They made frequent remarks about "amy" as the name of it or something, and during the skit they were talking about their girl-friends..

Very strange dream! would like any thoughts on what it may mean?

i dreamed that i was pregnant with a baby girl. yet it happened suddenly. the baby was sideways inside me so my stomach looked extremely odd for a pregnant woman. the most memorable part of the dream was that i could see the baby's foot through my stomach and would enjoy tickling it. i went into labor in a borders bk store (weird i know lol). that dream ended with me suddenly in a chicken coop looking for my baby but only finding a puppy and a chicken. any thoughts as to what this means? I am always having dreams in which i am pregnant but never get to see my baby and am very saddened in my dream. please help!

Does sprite help with a stomach ache?

I have a really bad stomach ache that's been going on for a day. It started after i ate some gummy bears, oatmeal, and some skittles along with propel. I'm going to school tomorrow and need to be just fine. Does it help my stomach in any way?

Really frightening vivid dream, what does it mean?

Sarcasm is a form of bullying. Is this what you want to be, a bully? Take the time to be kind and you will have a much better life. Dreams are the Creator trying to guide us gently through life. Many people learn to use them for success, creativity, health and relationships, or to avoid harm and danger. What can you learn from this dream?

What phone is better. The blackberry curve 8310 or the blackjack 2?

I am looking to get a new phone and i need to decide between these two phone. Please help me decide. I need information about them.

6 Year Long Distance Relationship - I need help =/?

i will not answer your question with long words or story. i just wanted to tell you that yes.. go on.. try another horizon. i know that there's someone out there for you. let her realized that you are so good for her. she should love you as much as you do... take care

Somebody that want to learn spanish?

i like to learn english,i like the english too much,i understand, i can to write, but, i don`t can speak english can you help me? i love english,i can to teach spanish, i`m jorge i`m from Bogota Colombia. mi e mail is migeorge98 and my messenger is migeorge98@ i like to have too much friends if you want a friend. good`re my friend.

I caught swine flu and im home alone.i need help?

im 13 and i caught swine flu.i cough so much and i have a little fever and runny nose,i feel so mom and dad are at work and im home mom couldnt stay cause she did it yesterday.i just woke up and ate my breakfast.what shall i do now?!i need help!plz?

Who loves the 80's?

george michael?wham?cindy lauper?duran duran?madonna?boy george?michael jackson?bananarama?oingo boingo?stacey q?thompson twins?heart?tiffany?debbie gibson?paul young?tears for fears?paul young?bruce springsteen?depeche mode?ozzy and lita?poison?skid row?def leopard?

I burnt myself on a pop tart ! ! !?

two days ago i burnt myself on a poptart and now i have a mive white blister on my thumb - not attractive ! my finger looks deformed ! how long will it be before it goes?!

What is the autism rate in the Amish community?

A lower rate would mean Billions$$ of liability for the government. But since the courts-Judicial branch-make up the third branch of government KEEP DREAMING ABOUT A BIG PAYOUT!

How many hours does it take to drive from Oakland to LA?

I'm planning on going to a concert in LA around September.... and well I want to ride in the car not the bus or plane. Then I was wondering many hours does it take to drive from Oakland to LA? anybody now? =[

Tickets for the Rugby game between Wales and France at Millenium Stadium?

it's a trap to get me into bed. i want the tickets but I'm not coming. better luck next time you harlot

What do you think will happen if Jerusalem is hit with a 9/11-style inside job?

No,but the zionists have attacked their own before and blamed it on Palestinians in order to establish a pretext for aggression. Such an attack would provide the nominal justification for a joint U.S-Israeli war against Iran and Syria,something the zionists have been pumping for since the invasion of Iraq. In 1958 the IDF machine-gunned a bus filled with jewish settlers - killing them all - then attributed the action to persons from a nearby Palestinian village,which they then liquidated. The information was accidentally declified in the mid-90's.

Laser Hair removal, is it safe?

My wife is considering getting her upper lip done. Have any of you had problems with skin discoloration or any other side effects? How many sessions did it take? Any information on personal experience would be great. There's only so much you can believe from promotional brochures.

Please help, best answer will get 10pts What else should I add to this statement..?

compare it to the 4 sided freeway billboards that are constantly {every 30 second} changing their opinion as well as content therefore affecting each driver in a different capacity. Also how they cause wrecks.

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe.. I need help! ?

In the book Cask of Amontilldo what specific steps does montresor take to ensure his plan works? his plan being avengence on fortunado.. anything helps! Thanks in advance

Standard normal distribution (statistic)?


Attached ear lobes (allele A) is dominant to unattached lobes (allele a). John and Sally have attached ear...?

lobes, but each of them have one parent with unattached ear lobes. John and Sally have 4 children now. How many of their children would you expect to have unattached ear lobes? A. 1 B. 0 C. 3 D. 2 E. 4

Good gifts for a 12 year old?

she doesn't like hannah montana jonas brothers... etc. She likes Roxy, Billabong, Aeropostale, American Eagle, Hollister, things like that. Links if you can pleezz!!!

For fantasy football, who would you start: M. Barber or T. Jones?

If those are your only 2 choices, go with Jones. Barber is done, and won't rush for more than 20 years a game for the rest of his career, unless he breaks off a lucky one. Even so, he will overcelebrate the 2-yd gain like he's just won a Heisman.

No Warrent to search a house...?

I just found out today that my husband was arrested...the crime he did was so unlike him...this is so horrible...when the cops came by they didnt ask to search my house but I offered. They found a pipe in my husbands drawer. They didnt really check the whole house and told me i needed to search my house and if i found anything else to let them know. They said If anything was to be found in my house if they had to come back that it would be on me. I have searched and found nothing...I am concerned though, because I cant be sure that I have looked everywhere..I dont think like an addict. If they come back would this really be put on me...or could he take blame..I just dont see the fairness when a wife has no idea the drugs are in her house, has never broken the law or done drugs herself, why should anything be on someone who knows nothing about this? Can someone explain the laws to me?

Dietery pill bad?

i am on singular and clarinex...two allergy medications, i recently bought a gnc suppliment which i havent used yet called HOT is an energy booster and a dietary suppliment....on the back of the bottle is says not to use it on medication and one of the medication listed was allergy meds...why is that? if i use it do u honestly think it will be bad for me?

What kind of colognes do you women like on a guy? (or any other kind of smells)?

I'm talking about like REAL cologne....not Tag or Axe.....Real cologne like Black Suede or Armani.....(Black Suede is what i usually wear)