Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is the reaction of the liberal Left to President Kennedy’s ination comparable to their reaction to 9/11?

Yup. Here's the big difference between liberals and conservatives in situations like this: Conservatives see the world the way it is, and although they may be outraged by things like the ination of a President or the destruction of the World Trade Center, they accept the reality of what happened and set about trying to find those responsible and hold them accountable for their actions. Liberals, on the other hand, insist on seeing the world from their own individual Utopian views, and any time something happens in the "real" world that doesn't conform with those views they cry and scream and stomp their feet and say "It's not fair!" And instead of searching out those responsible and bringing them to justice, they instead say that the way to overcome the irrational hatred that led to these acts is to reach out and "play nice" with these people (not realizing, of course, that no amount of playground courtesy will change the views or opinions of people who hate and act on that hate by killing innocent people). BOTTOM LINE: Conservatives think and act in the real world, while liberals start from the position of "In a perfect world..." One group has their eyes open, the other has their heads buried in the sand.

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