Monday, August 15, 2011

So i guess my ex g.f is a slut?

well heres what happened. she had a b.f before me of over 1year. she said she couldn't stand him anymore and then was messing with me. meaning having with me while with him. well anyway we decide to go out. so we went out for maybe 10days after messing around for 2months. she texs me saying she cant be in a relationship with me because she feels like she rushed to fast after getting outta heres. so i said okay that's understandable. well 3hours later on im fb and see shes in a relationship with this guy. so im like WTF. and i just had with her 5days ago. now shes going out with this guy problem having with him now. and she still wants to *hang out* with me. so whats your thoughts? anyone agree shes a slut or is it just me

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