Monday, August 15, 2011

What is the proper way to use "Ick Away" for goldfish?

I bought him about 2 days and noticed he had white, salt-like spots all over him. I put him in a bowl with about a gallon of water and he has pebbles at the bottom and a plant to hide in. Last night I changed his water and rinsed everything and added water conditioner along with the "Ick Away". It looked like blue dye floating through the water, and slowly dissapeared. On the directions it says that it should turn the water blue. Did I not add enough? Its hard to judge how much water conditioner and Ick Away to use because the directions for both, both just the amount to put in on a 20 gallon tank. My fish also just swims along the sides and sometimes goes up to the top and opens its mouth (looks like its getting air?) and then will swim to the bottom and look like he is trying to swim straight down into the pebbles and try and eat them? Not sure if that means anything... As you can tell I'm new to this fish thing and need some tips! Thank you!

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